
Acts 1:8 tells us that after the Holy Spirit comes on us we are to be witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the rest of the world.
At The Gate we believe that God has called us to impact, influence, and disciple our Jerusalem (Wagoner), our Judea (NE Oklahoma), our Samaria (The US), and the nations of the earth. To this end, we do not see the mission field as just traveling to a foreign country but we see the mission field as any place where the harvest is ripe such as our backyards, our places of employment, our friends and families etc. With this perspective and conviction everyone can be involved in missions on a daily basis.
Even though we support, intercede, and are engaged in overseas mission endeavors, at The Gate we believe in, place a strong emphasis on, and thus allocate resources to local missions.  
2018 Events and Mission Trips
The Gate Church, Wagoner OK, February 24, 2018, 9:00 am to 2:00 pm – Wagoner Homeless Shelter Initiative’s Church and Poverty Seminar
Guyana, South America,   March 6-8, 2018 – Full Gospel Fellowship’s International Conference
The Gate Church, Wagoner OK, May 18-19 – EMERGE National Conference
The Gate Church, Wagoner OK, July 14 – Ignite Science Technology Engineering Mathematics (STEM) Kids Camp
Tanzania, Africa  August 2-10, 2018 – International Conference
New York City, USA, August 30 – September 2, 2018 – EMERGE Conference
The Gate Church, Wagoner OK, October 19-20 – EMERGE National Conference